Anyway, there was this man, who raped and murdered women, and he was explaning how he just killed them not to get caught, though he loved watching hope vanish from their eyes when they realized he was going to kill tem. And it let me wondering...
People always expect mercy, don't they? No matter how faithless they are in mankind, they always have that little lack of fate, that maybe it will be different to them. That their loved ones won't die, at least not yet, that they won't get the epidemy, that there won't show up some freak and kill them for no reason, that god will have pity. Okay, so I don't believe this shit. Perhaps that's because I'm still young, and I'm just not too worried. But perple die, it's painfull, but it's a natural part of life. And who wants to live forever anyway?
I never understood those people who said they wished they could last forever. Who wanted Herbert West to just show up and find out the cure of death. I mean, what a fucking nightmare! My worst nightmare would definitely be live forever.
Yet somehow this is one of religion's most concearn, isn't it? God having mercy, good people having 2nd chances (I don't believe in that either, but that's not important right now) nad blah blah. So untrue. Good people die. There is not an old guy giving second chances to the good men, and punishing the bad ones. Or if there is, he's doing an awful job. The only one who actually punishes the ones who deserves to die is any Rorschach/ Dexter/ Kira kind of criminal, of course it's undeniable that any of those people would deserve death to...
Is it good, that we have this kind of hope? I believe so, anyway. I am sure of the infinit hability of people to let un down, and yet, I believe so much that I can change things, if I want to. That kind of hope is what keeps me going. It's so lame XD. Anyway, I believe that people having that kind of hope is what keeps them going...
I'm curious to know what other people think of this matter, and also, of the etternal life/ after death life.
(Curious how all this came from the film huh... I should just stop thinking once and for all...)
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